The purpose of the current review is to take
stock of the past 20 years of CHC COG-ACH relations research. More
importantly, the primary goals are to address the limitations in
the Flanagan et al. (2006) synthesis via the use of systematic and
operationally defined research synthesis procedures and to add
greater specificity to their broad stroke findings as a function
of: (a) achievement domains (viz., basic reading skills—BRS;
reading comprehension—RC; basic math skills—BMS; math
reasoning—MR), (b) age-related or developmental moderated
findings, and (c) possible “achievement domain—by
—age—by—CHC ability” interactions.
Our goal is not necessarily to criticize the Flanagan et al. (2006)
review, but more importantly, to build on their review and extend
and refine their work via more explicit and systematic
methodological review and synthesis procedures.