3.1 Description of archive system
The current HCA Data Archive system is a simple.
Using the data set file abbreviations employed by Carroll (as reported in his 1993 book), each data set analysis is listed using Carroll's data set abbreviation system (e.g., THOR21; Thorndike, R. L., (1936). Factor analysis of social and abstract intelligence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 27, 231-233.).  For each listing two hyperlinks are provided.
  • Correlation matrix - when this hyperlink is clicked  the user is able to view an Excel- based copy of the correlation matrix.  Users can download this file to their hard drive, convert it if necessary to a different file format (e.g., SYSTAT, SPSSPC, etc.), and commence with secondary analysis of the matrix. 
  • Sample for THOR21 (click here)
  • Original publication - clicking on this hyperlink provides the user access to a PDF copy of the original research report that included the correlation matrix analyzed by Carroll.  This PDF file can either be viewed on-line and/or downloaded to the users hard drive.
  • Sample for THOR21 (click here)
Icons are used to designate the status of the archive activities for each data set.  A rectangle/check mark icon designates that both the correlation matrix and original manuscript publication files have been posted.  A rectangle with partial shading indicates that the archive process is only partially completed (typically either the correlation matrix or original publication have yet to be posted).
3.1.1 Master bibliography
A complete bibliography and working inventory of the Carroll datasets that are being archived, along with their archive status, can be found by clicking here.
HELP - the project needs help tracking down copies of old journal articles, dissertations, etc.  When viewing the above on- line working inventory, manuscripts/references featured in the color red are those we are currently having trouble locating. If you have access to either a paper or e- copy of any of the designated "fugitive" documents, and would be willing to provide them to WMF to copy/scan (we would cover the costs), please contact Dr. Kevin McGrew: k.mcgrew@woodcock- munoz- foundation.org