An EWOK is an web-based, visually-oriented (navigation via visual-graphic MindMaps
is the most
efficient means to acess the information--although, those who prefer a more linear outline form can
click on the "Home" and/oir "Table of Contents" options in the right hand corner
of each map),
"Evolving Web of Knowledge" regarding a specific domain of knowledge of interest to the Institute
for Applied Psychometrics. [Sorry to those who found this site via a Google search
in hopes of
finding information about the cute furry EWOK's
in the Star Wars series.]
The goal of an EWOK is simple:
- To provide a centralized up-to-date
source information regarding a specific topic that is
revised/updated on a semi-regular basis. In some respects it is like a "wiki"
in Wikipedia, but
it differs in that it is a closed system......only I (Kevin McGrew) am in charge of what is
posted. This might change in the future if others indicate an interest in contributing to the
growth of this EWOK.