Applied Psychometrics 101 Briefs
The following AP101 briefs can be accessed by
visiting either
Corner or theICDP blogs
and scrolling down the respective side-bars until the above
topic header is found. Then click on the appropriate link and
enjoy the content.
- AP101
Brief #1: g or not to g
- AP101
Brief #2: IQ test battery descriptive comparison information
- AP101
Brief #3: How likely is each score in an IQ SEM confidence band
likely to represent the person's true IQ? AP101 Brief #3
(supplement to IAP AP101 #5)
- AP101
Brief # 4: CHC theory and impact on IQ testing brief
- AP101
Brief #5: The Wechsler-like IQ subtest scaled score metric: The
potential for misuse, misinterpretation and impact on critical life
- AP101
Brief # 6: Understanding score differences on the Wechsler IQ
batteries: CHC evolution of the FS IQ's