3.3 C. Summary and conclusions
Collectively, the large and small sample structural validity studies published during the past decade support the broad strokes (i.e., broad stratum II abilities) of contemporary CHC theory. The broad abilities of Gf, Gc, Gv, Ga, Gsm, Glr, Gs, Gq, an Grw have been validated in and across studies that have included a sufficient breadth of CHC indicators to draw valid conclusions.  Although using the Cattell-Horn Gf-Gc theory as a guide, Stankov (2000) reached a similar conclusion (with the exception of Grw not being included in his review). 
It is likely that no single comprehensive study will ever include the necessary breadth of variables to allow for a definitive test of the complete structure of human cognitive abilities. Instead, increasingly better designed and comprehensive studies, when viewed collectively from a CHC- organized theoretical lens, can provide for increasingly “satisficing” solutions that approximate the ideal.  The research studies just reviewed, as well as those included in the next section, contribute to the ongoing search for increasingly satisficing approximations of a psychometric model of the structure of human cognitive abilities.
[Note.  Economist Herbert Simon first introduced the term satisficing (Simon, 1957, 2003), a word that is a combination of the words satisfying and sufficing. To satisfice is to seek solutions and designs that are “good or satisfactory solutions instead of optimal ones” (Petroski, 2003, p.8).  According to Simon, decision makers (in the current context, researchers) must make choices between optimal decisions for an imaginary simplified world or decisions that are “good enough” (that satisfice) in that they allow a reasonable approximation of the complexity of reality within given constraints (Petroski, 2003).]