18.27 SNOW11 Task done
Correlation matrix
SPSSPC file format (see note below)
ASCII file format (see note below)
Original manuscript
Special note:  According to Dr. David Lohman (10- 21-08 personal e- mail communication),  Richard snow never finished writing this report. He apparently cited it before it was completed and sent to the printer. The incomplete sections of the report apparently were discarded after Snow's death....and are no longer retrievable.
Snow, R. E., Lohman, D. F., Marshalek, B., Yalow, E., &Webb, N. (1977). Correlational analyses of reference aptitude constructs. Stanford, CA: Aptitude Research Project, School of Education, Stanford University, Technical Report No. 5.
Luckily Dr. David Lohman had, in his possession, copies of the correlation matrix in ASCII and SPSSPC format.  The correlation matrix files included above were provided courtesy of Dr. Lohman.  Dr. Lohman also provided an unpublished analysis (by a doctoral student-- Meng) report of the data set.  This report can be found by clicking here.