4.3 HCA Descriptive Report 1
While still operating as an IAP project, a report was produced that described the distribution of dates of publications of the research studies analyzed for inclusion in Dr. Carroll's 1993 book.  This original report can be found by clicking here.  An edited version is provided below.
An inventory of Carroll’s seminal treatise (1993) on the structure of human cognitive abilities identified 509 different referenced datasets.
The figure below presents the number (count) of data sets by year of publication.  A review of the figure suggests that Carroll's analyses was based primarily on pre-1985 studies.
Summary descriptive stats revealed the following:
  • Mean year of publication = 1964.87
  • Median year of publication = 1967
  • SD of year of publication = 14.45
  • Earliest date = 1927
  • Most recent date = 1991
  • Range of year of publication = 64
Carroll’s conclusions are based on datasets primarily from 1927 to the mid-1980’s.
Approximately 25+ years of contemporary research ((1980-2008) is not reflected in Carroll’s meta-analyses.
There is a need to update and extend Carroll’s work into the future.