Kevin McGrew
Bold font designates new information not in prior version.
Conflict of interest disclosure:  Kevin McGrew is a co-author of the WJ III battery.  A complete bio can be found by clicking here.
WJ III Cognitive cluster research
Single page WJ III cognitive validity cluster summaries originally developed by IAP were subsequently included in the following book chapter. 
Floyd, R. G., Shaver, R. B., & McGrew, K. S. (2003). Interpretation of the WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities:  Acting on evidence. In F.A. Schrank & D.P. Flanagan  (Eds.), WJ III Clinical Use and Interpretation (pp. 1-46). San Diego: Academic Press.
Joint WJ III and Wechsler battery analyses
  • A number of unpublished analyses from the sample (in the following source) are included below:
Phelps, L., McGrew, K. S., Knopik, S. N., & Ford, L. (2005). The general (g), broad, and narrow CHC stratum characteristics of the WJ III and WISC-III tests:  A confirmatory cross-  battery investigation. School Psychology Quarterly, 20(1), 66- 88. (click to view)( click hereto view IQ corner blog comments)
Abstract: One hundred, forty-eight randomly selected children (grades three- five) were administered the WISC-III, WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities, WJ III Tests of Achievement, and seven research tests selected from the WJ III Diagnostic Supplement. The validity of the existing WISC-III and WJ III broad Cattell-Horn- Carroll (CHC) test classifications was investigated via the application of CHC- organized, broad-   factor, cross-battery confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Likewise, the validity of the WISC-III and WJ III narrow CHC ability classifications was investigated via the evaluation of a three- stratum hierarchical (narrow+broad+g)CHC CFA cross-  battery model. The Tucker- Lewis Index, the Comparison Fit Index, and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation evaluated the fit for the resulting models. All statistical values indicated good to excellent fit.  
  • A WJ III/WAIS-III/WMS-III confirmatory factor analysis  summary was included in the following book chapter.  The empirical results have never been published in a journal article.
McGrew, K. S., Woodcock, R. W., & Ford, L. (2002). The Woodcock- Johnson-- Third Edition (WJ III): Description and application with adolescents and adults. In A. Kaufman, N. Kaufman, & E. Lichtenberg (Eds.), Clinical assessment with adolescents and adults (2nd ed., ). New York: John Wiley. (click to view - NOTE - this is a large scanned not attempt to view/download from a modem unless you have lots of time)
  • Summary table from book chapter (without factor loadings--narrow ability codes reported instead) (click to view)
  • Path diagram with factor loadings (previously not published).  (click to view)
Multidimensional Scaling Analysis (MDS) [Guttman Radex Model] of WJ III tests (click hereand here)
Revised/updated CHC classifications of WJ III tests (click to view)
"Carroll" EFA/CFA analysis of WJ III battery ( click to view; click here for more)
CHC Cognitive-Achievement correlates meta-analysis (click to view)
WJ III individual cognitive test to achievement test/cluster regression analysis (click to view)
Linguistic demand analysis of WJ III Battery test instructions (click to view)