Braille Adaptation of WJ III
The following information was provided by Lynne Jaffe
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement – Braille Adaptation (WJ III ACH – Braille)
The American Printing House for the Blindis currently in production of a braille adaptation of the WJ III Tests of Achievement(WJ III ACH – Braille).
The purposes of this adaptation are to provide a means of evaluating the academic achievement of subjects whose primary reading/writing medium is braille; to maintain the evaluative intent of each item, test, and cluster; to provide such a test in accordance with accepted braille test formats; and to provide a single, standard braille edition of the test.
This adaptation will be available in both uncontracted and contracted formats and will include a Compuscore® and Profiles program (Schrank & Woodcock, 2008) specifically developed for this battery. Publication of the WJ III ACH – Braille is anticipated for Spring 2009 and has been approved for purchase with Federal Quota funds. It is the only braille version of the WJ III Tests of Achievement that has been approved by and developed with the cooperation of Riverside Publishing Company.
For those with an interest in brailling tests initially designed for print readers, a session on “Issues in Translating Tests into Braille: WJ III Achievement-Braille Adaptation” will be presented at the 2009 NASP and CECconventions.
Questions regarding the WJ III ACH – Braille may be sent to Barbara Henderson, Test and Assessment Project Leader, Accessible Tests Department, American Printing House for the Blind (<>)