Most goal-directed activities require temporal
integration and monitoring of action sequences (Fuster, 1993,
2002; Luria, 1966; Norman & Shallice, 1986). In general terms,
monitoring is the process by which agents assess their environments
and involves activities such as assessing the progress of initiated
plans, finding out what time it is, and anticipating
obstacles. For example, remembering to complete an action in the
future involves a monitoring phase during which the individual must
monitor for the appropriate cue to execute an action. However, most
everyday activities involve multiple goal- directed tasks, and
e.cient monitoring requires a strategy, or a scheme, for
scheduling actions (i.e., when and how to monitor). In most
situations, this strategy must balance the cost of monitoring
against the cost of having inaccurate information about the
environment, and deciding between these costs can be a complicated
optimization problem (Atkin & Cohen, 1996).
Although monitoring is a necessary task for all
agents, including children, insects, and robots, few studies have
investigated how these agents actually behave when the goal or
deadline is approaching. Yet the monitoring concept has connections
to several areas, including operant conditioning (Ferster &
Skinner, 1957), process control (Moray, 1986; Senders, 1983), and
some areas of ethology (for a review, see Pyke, 1984). However,
research on time-based prospective memory suggests
certain regularities of monitoring behavior in children and
adults (Ceci & Bronfenbrenner, 1985; Harris & Wilkins,
1982; for an overview, see Ma¨ntyla¨ & Carelli,
However, mechanisms underlying time monitoring
and their relation to response accuracy (i.e., time-
based prospective memory performance) are less
well understood.
Consistent with earlier studies (Ceci & Bronfenbrenner, 1985; Kerns,
2000), our findings suggest that school-age
children also monitor strategically by increasing the rate of clock
checking when the deadline is approaching. In contrast to
Ceci and Bronfenbrenner’s
(1985) U-shaped monitoring functions, we observed low
levels of early clock checking during the firrst 5-min interval.
The overall shape of a monitoring function probably is mediated by
a number of task-related factors (see also Ma¨ntyla¨ & Carelli,
2006), but in the current study even the youngest
children showed increasing clock checking during the first 5-min
Furthermore, children and adults not only used
the same general strategy for monitoring deadlines (i.e., interval
reduction) but also showed comparable levels of time-based
prospective memory performance. Both the 8-year-old
schoolchildren and the 20-year oldundergraduates provided more than
80% of the target responses within 10 s. However, to obtain an
equally high level of time- based prospective memory performance,
the children relied on external time keeping more frequently than
did the adult participants.
Even if one assumes that a variety of cognitive
processes can be recruited to support prospective memory retrieval
(McDaniel & Einstein, 2000), it is reasonable to argue that
time-based tasks rely more heavily on executive control
processes than do event-based tasks (Craik, 1986; Einstein
& McDaniel, 1996). In most time-based tasks of prospective
memory, intentions are triggered by time- related
cues that can be mediated by external factors (e.g., noticing a
clock on the wall) or internal factors (e.g., time-related
associations, internal clock). Compared with event-based tasks,
these cues are more implicit, and self-initiated thoughts and
monitoring are critical to successful performance in most time-
based tasks of prospective memory.
Compared with shifting tasks, most updating
tasks require maintenance of dynamic event information, which
provides a temporal coherence for the observed
event. The functional role of subjective sense of
time is to reduce monitoring costs by initiating monitoring
actions when more specific temporal information is needed closer to
the deadline. In that context, even category-level temporal
information (e.g., ‘‘not
yet—soon—now’’) might be su.cient to
minimize early clock checking and to reduce monitoring costs. This
type of cognitively constructed, but functional, time might be
mediated by processes related to the maintenance and updating of
working memory contents. Following the notion that updating and
retaining dynamic event information in working memory contributes
to a sense of temporal continuity, individuals with
efficient updating and inhibition functions would be able to rely
on this temporal information when monitoring deadlines. In
contrast, an individual with difficulties in temporary
maintenance and elaboration of working memory contents may
experience discontinuities in sense of time, leading to an earlier
and more frequent reliance on external time keeping.