The major goal of the present study was to
examine the general notion that temporal information processing is
more accurate in musicians than in nonmusicians. For this purpose,
timing performance on seven different auditory temporal tasks was
compared in 36 academically trained musicians and 36 controls
without music experience. Superior temporal acuity for musicians
compared to nonmusicians was shown for auditory fusion, rhythm
perception, temporal discrimination of very brief filled and empty
intervals in the range of milliseconds, and temporal discrimination
of filled intervals in the range of seconds.Group differences
were not observed, however, for temporal generalization with 75 and
1,000 ms standard durations.
The positive manifold among the seven temporal
tasks observed for the nonmusician group, may imply that, under
untrained conditions, functional independence of different timing
mechanisms cannot be detected. Only after extensive
“temporal training,”when the respective timing
mechanisms operate at an optimum level, does a dissociation of
task-specific timing mechanisms become evident.Within the
framework of the present study, task-specific optimum timing
performance can be considered a by- product of early music
From this perspective, musicians’ superior
performance on perceptual temporal tasks, that do not require
reference memory processes, suggests that extensive music
training may exert a positive effect on timing performance by
reducing variability or noise associated with the timing
process. This advantage of musicians compared to
nonmusicians appears to be limited to aspects of timing performance
which are considered to be automatically and immediately derived
from online perceptual processing of temporal information. On
the other hand, the absence of a performance difference between
musicians and nonmusicians for temporal generalization tasks, which
involve a reference memory of sorts, points to the conclusion that
temporal judgments which cannot be derived automatically or
immediately from perceptual processing are less sensitive to music
The overall pattern of our findings suggests that
perceptual timing skills are superior in musicians, while
most of their training has been in more complex performance skills.
This links in well with present theories on perception-action
coupling,which is best expressed in the “common-coding
hypothesis” (Prinz 1990): training of precise timing in
motor performance is inseparably linked to the corresponding
training and improvement of auditory temporal resolution. This is
the more relevant in professional musicians, since temporal
precision is a fundamental characteristic of performance quality.
The musicians’ superior performance in temporal
discrimination tasks also fits well into concepts of neuroplastic
adaptation to attentive auditory
Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that
rhythm perception and extremely precise motor timing, often
observed in musicians (e.g., Aschersleben, 2002; Moore, 1992;
Trappe et al., 1998; Wagner, 1971), share a common
neurophysiological basis.
Therefore,musicians’ superiority in
temporal processing may be considered a consequence of their long
lasting music training as well as of their outstanding, innate
music talent. Certainly, numerous studies suggest that, due
to neural plasticity,music training has beneficial effects on
neural mechanisms related to temporal information processing. This,
however, does not necessarily rule out the possibility that the
individual level of music ability represented a crucial factor for
musicians’ superior temporal performance compared to
nonmusicians in the present study.